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Fear is a strong emotional response that causes one to be on their toes. In fearful situations, your body releases stress hormones that cause you to be in a state of increased awareness, alertness, and responsiveness. This may endure for a while and may sometimes feel good. 

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Positive perception in relationships fosters empathy, trust, and intimacy. When partners perceive each other positively, they tend to attribute compassionate motives to actions, communicate effectively, and cultivate an environment of mutual respect. This positive perception acts as a catalyst for growth, enabling individuals to support each other's aspirations and weather the storms of life together.

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Showing Empathy

When you empathetically engage with somebody, it is something more profound than just a level of knowledge of the person. You feel bad when you sympathize with somebody. You know something about the person hurting and struggling and that they're going to something. Most of the time, it deals with somebody's loss. Something painful has happened to somebody, and we sympathize with them because it hasn't happened to us. We don't know what it feels like at that moment. That is sympathy.

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It's essential to remember that giving in a relationship should not come at the expense of your own needs. It's all about maintaining a healthy balance between giving and taking. You need to take care of yourself and set boundaries when necessary, so you can better show up for your partner and give from a place of abundance.

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TDC - The dating Stages

It's essential to be open and flexible as you navigate through the different stages of dating and to always communicate with your partner to ensure that you are both on the same page. The three stages, talking, dating, and courting, are progressive commitments and should be treated as such.

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The Trust Element

Trust can be broken in a relationship. It can happen for various reasons: infidelity, dishonesty, or betrayal. When trust is broken, it is not easy to regain. It takes the willingness of both partners to rebuild. Willingness entails being open and honest with each other, committing to consistent behavior, and putting in time and effort.

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Shift Your Focus

Turning your attention to what you do have creates opportunities to identify the strengths in your relationship. You identify where you excel as a couple, what you love about each other, what both of you have accomplished. In practice, you both find ways to develop the missing parts in the relationship over time. Human nature seeks out what is missing in relationships outside of the relationship.

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Beautiful, Not Perfect

When we do this, we overlook the work it takes to keep a relationship or a marriage looking like what we see from the outside. Though they are beautiful and desirable, they are not perfect. We are not perfect, and so we cannot expect our unions or relationships to be perfect, but they can remain as beautiful as we want and have seen them to be. 

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Prioritize Your Spouse

When you make something a priority, you demonstrate your commitment and show the value you have for that thing. Prioritizing your spouse is verifying your commitment to the relationship and showing that you value and respect your spouse as a partner and individual. Learning to prioritize your spouse is a way to strengthen the bond between you and your spouse to improve your relationship.

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Are You Forgiving?

On the journey to a healthy and successful relationship, another attitude to muster is the attitude of forgiveness. Forgiveness is an essential and valuable aspect of a relationship and personal well-being. When you read Matthew 18: 21-22, peter, a disciple of Jesus, asks how many times we should forgive, and Jesus tells him490 times a day, that is seventy times seven.

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Communication: A Key

Communication is essential in any relationship. Communication helps to build and maintain a strong connection between individuals. When people communicate effectively, they can better understand each other's thoughts, feelings, and needs. They can create a sense of trust and intimacy, which are essential for the health and well-being of any relationship.

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The Devil You Know...

If we agree that words have meaning, please relook at the phrase in question. I submit that the devil you know (once you describe him as such) is still the devil, and in no way will the devil have your best interest at heart. So what good is it to hold on to such things or people?

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