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TDC - The dating Stages

Isaac Mills
February 14, 2023
Read Time: 3 mins

Dating is a process that involves getting to know another person. We date to potentially form a romantic relationship. This process can be an exciting and challenging journey, full of ups and downs, and sometimes can feel like navigating a maze. And while every relationship is unique, there are some stages that most people go through when they are dating someone. The issue today is that we misrepresent the different stages and label them as dating. Understanding these stages can help you navigate your relationship and find success in love. In this article, I simplify the three main stages to give clarity and understanding that can shape expectations.

The first stage is the talking stage. This happens one of two ways, after the initial meeting or when two people who have known each other as friends decide to explore if there is more. Regardless of how you meet someone, the talking stage is all about first impressions. You are trying to determine if there is a mutual attraction and if this person is someone you would like to pursue a relationship with. If the answer is yes, you build on to “getting to know each other.

This is where you learn about each other's interests, values, and personalities. It's important to communicate openly and honestly during this stage to ensure that you are on the same page and have a similar outlook on life. This stage can last anywhere from a few weeks to several months, depending on the individuals involved.

The second stage is the dating stage. This is where you decide to become exclusive with each other and commit to a romantic relationship. During this stage, you are committed to each other and looking to build a future together. This is the stage where you start to make long-term plans and work towards a common goal. This is where you decide if you want to get married.  It is a perfect time to begin discussing finances, the family’s future, and how they can come together. This stage is all about taking the next step in your relationship and solidifying your commitment to each other.

The third stage is the courtship stage. This is where you have been dating for some time and have built a strong foundation of trust, respect, and love. This stage is about maintaining a robust and healthy relationship and continuing to grow and evolve. This stage brings in family and friends, and there is active participation in the relationship.

It's important to note that all relationships progress differently through these stages; the most important thing is to understand that the relationship’s success at each stage determines how you make it into the next. Be cautious not to ignore red flags or avoid pushing conflicts to the side. It is always ok if the relationship is not meant to progress; those are some of the learnings we do in life.

It's essential to be open and flexible as you navigate through the different stages of dating and to always communicate with your partner to ensure that you are both on the same page. The three stages, talking, dating, and courting, are progressive commitments and should be treated as such.

Things you want to avoid in the talking stage are a misunderstanding of how the relationship is growing. Both parties need to be on the same page for the relationship to progress. Avoid deep intimate issues early in the relationship, such as massive spending, large dinners, and sex. This allows you to develop a deeper connection before you give your most intimate self to another person. The talking stages can involve multiple people, but that should stop as soon as one decides to commit and progress into the next stage.

In conclusion, dating can be a thrilling and sometimes confusing journey. Understanding the different stages of dating can help you navigate your relationship and make the most of your time together. Whether you are just starting or have been together for years, always be open, honest, and committed to making your relationship work. With patience, communication, and a little luck, you can find success in love and build a long-lasting, happy relationship.

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